• (613) 267-2913
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Membership Information and Opening and Closing Schedules

Membership Application Forms (2024- 2025)


Member registration can only be completed online. It is important to know that our Perth Curlng Club website operates in a secure environment, where you will find public information about our club, invitational bonspiels, rental information, event registration and general league information. 

However, there is additional important information that requires a member login. Every member must have a unique User Name and Password. Members must be logged in to complete their registration, pay their membership, view their schedule, book practice time, sign up for volunteering and sparing. You will also have access to confidential email with other club members. An individual email will be important so you can receive timely email news, schedule or league updates or prompts about inclement weather affecting the club.

New Members

Welcome to Perth Curling Community

You must have a secure login to get started as a new member. There are two steps to request a secure member login. 

  • New members without an existing profile should click on the "Sign Up Now!" button below to create a new user profile
  • once approved, you will receive an email with a temporary password 


Step 2 – First Log In

  • When you log in to the website with your username (created in previous step) and temporary password that was emailed to you, please review and update all your personal information. Click on "My information" on the right under Member Menu, then the "Edit" button and "Update Your Profile".
  • You are now ready to register for the 2024-25 curling season


Registering for Curling ( All Members)


  • The Member's Home page includes a link to our on-line registration tool. Simply launch the registration tool, enter information as requested, and conclude by submitting your registration form.
  • There are three steps to complete:
    1. Select a Membership Type. 
    2. Register for each league you want to play in.  Each league description indicates the format ( fixed or club) scheduled draw times Please review the league before registering. If you are registering for a fixed team each member is required to identify the team they are going to curl with for the season.  Your skip's name will be enough to help the convener know where to place you.  For club leagues it is helpful to put down the position you would like to play.  When you have selected a league press Save Entry and you will be returned to the league list. When you have completed your selection signup for all leagues that you wish to play in then press Continue With Your Signup. Please indicate if you would like to rent a locker or play in our year long 50/50 draw. When all the fields are completed you will see the Confirmation Page. Please review all of the membership and league selection information and then click Confirm My Entry.
    3. You are now prompted to pay your membership fees.  We encourage all curlers to pay via the credit card system online, however if you wish to pay by cheque or debit, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to arrange at time to collect payment

Welcome to the Perth Curling Community


Please check out our volunteer options, Volunteering There are many different ways to become involved with the club and Perth Curling Club thrives on our essential volunteers.

Leagues need spares-curlers who can be called to help a member unable to play on their scheduled day. Please complete Your Sparing Availability  Consider signing up to be a spare, what a great way to try out a different league and meet new members.

Finally, if you need help with the registration process, send us an email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will connect you with a helpful volunteer.


Membership Fees 2024-2025


Full Season - Adult Membership - $545.00

Full Season Young Adult 21-30 - $350.00

Half Season (Snowbird) Membership - $320.00

Social Membership - $50.00

Learn To Curl - $220.00


Youth Curling 

19-21 Years of Age - $165.00

13-18 Years of Age - $135.00

7-12 Years of Age - $110.00

Member Login

Upcoming Events

12 Feb 2025;
05:45PM - 07:30PM
Board Meeting
14 Feb 2025;
09:00AM - 12:00PM
Diamond League
18 Feb 2025;
10:00AM - 11:00AM
Yoga with Alexis
21 Feb 2025;
Winter Flood
28 Feb 2025;
12:00PM - 10:30PM
150 Invitational Bonspiel

League Schedules

League schedules, teams and results can all be found in the members section of the website once you LOGIN.

Our Sponsors

Contact Us

Perth Curling Club
33 Beckwith St. E.
Perth, Ontario K7H 1B7

(613) 267-2913


Follow Us


About The Club

The Perth Curling Club, is one of the oldest clubs in the Ottawa Valley. We have a proud tradition of welcoming new members and we embrace all levels of curlers ... from beginners to competitive.